Let’s tell corporations to start hiring
Monday, July 18, 2011 | 2:03 a.m.

A debt solution? Maybe.

It has been reported by Money Magazine, Politifact.com and others that today’s corporations have nearly $2 trillion sitting on their balance sheets.

Meanwhile, a July 12 letter to the editor by Bob Understein — which was about out-of-control government spending and how most people don’t have an idea what $1 trillion actually represents — mentioned that $1 trillion would hire 20 million people at $50,000 a year.

So I’d like to offer a twist to his scenario that may present a solution to the unemployment problem and the current financial situation that this country is in. If spending a trillion dollars can hire 20 million people at a salary of $50,000, then $2 trillion can hire 40 million people at a salary of $50,000.

I say we tell the corporations to start hiring. The problems this country is having will begin to be resolved. Forty million people back to work paying taxes and purchasing goods and services once again. Wonderful!

Now if we can get the Republican-controlled House to give in on eliminating the Bush tax cuts for the very wealthy in this country, then we will be able to put more people back to work.